
Defense Intelligence Agency
The Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20301-6111

This is a noncommercial request under the Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts. I have attached a sheet setting out my application for a fee waiver of any fees in excess of those which are provided free because of my category.

My category for fee and fee waiver purposes is as a non-commercial requester (group or person); 2 hours free search and 100 free pages.

I request a complete and thorough search of all filing systems and locations for all records maintained by your agency pertaining to and/or captioned: reports concerning the sighting of a unidentified flying object in Iran on September 19th, 1976. This should include, without limitation, files and documents captioned or whose captions include: Defense Information Report, Defense Information Report Evaluation, Shemira Tehran, Mehrabad, Shahrokhi AFB.

This request specifically includes where appropriate "main" files and "see references," including but not limited to numbered and lettered sub files and control files. I also request a search of the Electronic Surveillance (ELSUR) Index, or any similar technique for locating records of electronic surveillance and the COINTELPRO Index. I request that all records be produced with the administrative pages. I wish to be sent copies of "see reference" cards, abstracts, search slips, including search slips used to process this request, file covers, multiple copies of the same documents if they appear in a file, tapes of any electronic surveillance, photographs, and logs of physical surveillance(FISUR). Please place missing documents on "special locate."

I wish to make it clear that I want all records in your office "identifiable with my request," even though reports on those records have been sent to Headquarters and even though there may be duplication between the two sets of files. I do not want just "interim" documents. I want all documents as they appear in the "main" files and "see references" of all units of your agency.

If documents are denied in whole or in part, please specify which exemption(s) is (are) claimed for each passage or whole document denied. Give the number of pages in each document and the total number of pages pertaining to this request and the dates of documents withheld. I request that excised material be "blacked out" rather than "whited out" or cut out and that the remaining non-exempt portions of documents be released as provided under the Freedom of Information Act. Please send a memo (with a copy or copies to me) to the appropriate unit(s) in your office to assure that no records related to this request are destroyed. Please advise of any destruction of records and include the date of and authority for such destruction. As I expect to appeal any denials, please specify the office and address to which an appeal should be directed.

I can be reached at the phone listed below. Please call rather than write if there are any questions or if you need additional information from me. I expect a response to this request within ten (10) working days, as provided for in the Freedom of Information Act.



David G. Schmitz
San Francisco, California XXXXX
Date of Birth:
Place of birth: